Monday, December 14, 2020

Little Owl ( ဇီးကွက်ငယ်)

My elder daughter enjoys reading and likes to draw.  I started taking videos of her reading Burmese poems and stories to share it on my Facebook a few months ago. She was enjoying the process of me sharing her hobbies with family members, relatives and friends. I do encourage her to share her experiences as well as write her own thoughts. 

I also decided to set up a YouTube channel named Little Owl for my daughter on my account after much consideration.  Both of us agreed to use the logo which i had used to publish my children's books for her YouTube channel.


She was super excited about having her own YouTube channel. After all, she belongs to Generation Z, the social media natives. These kids grow up watching Hi 5, Baby shark, Ryan Toys Review on YouTube daily, rather than tuning into cartoons or kids programs on TV channels.  The first generation to grow up on the YouTube platform. 

However, i want to do my best to guide my child in the right direction for her to explore, learn and keeping her safe at the same time. 


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