Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Pan-fried fish egg recipe (Ngar oo gyaw)

Hi Dear Readers,
I will be sharing homemade dishes recipes by my mother for the next coming 2-3 weeks and as for me, i will be taking a break ;)
Thanks Mum!

Pan-fried fish egg recipe (Ngar oo gyaw)
Ngar - fish
Oo - egg
gyaw - fry

First, marinate the fish eggs with salt, mono sodium glutamate(MSG)

and turmeric powder for 5-10mins.

Cooking Time : 8-10mins
- Heat oil in the sauce pan over a medium heat.
- Add slightly crushed garlic to the pan and fry till lightly golden brown.
- Add the fish eggs and give it a quick stir. Lower the heat and cover with the
  lid. Let it cook for about 4-5 minutes. Occasionally, you need to stir gently so
  that fish eggs and garlic would not stick to the pan.

If you are afraid that this would taste fishy...then, you do not have to worry. The taste is absolutely meaty and exotic.

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