Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Toasting, pounding....yummy ngapi

3 shockingly easy recipes made with Burmese shrimp paste (Ngapi) .

Let's start toasting ngapi

Toast the ngapi on low heat.
Toast it for about 5 minutes on each side.

That's it!
With this nicely toasted ngapi, i'm going to make 3 extremely simple recipes.

Recipe No.1 : Ngapi thout (Burmese shrimp paste salad)
toasted ngapi, pounded dried shrimp, sliced red onion, lemon,
sprinkle small amount of Ajinomoto.
Mix all the ingredients well by using hand.

Ngapi thout is used as a relish to go with other dishes.
You can match this with fried rice for your breakfast.
The taste is stimulating....

Next, I'm going to make two more simple recipes with the rest of my toasted ngapi .

Recipe No.2 : Ngapi htaung (pounded shrimp paste)
Ingredients :
toasted ngapi, pounded dried shrimp and toasted chilli flakes.

Please note:
You need to add small amount of water occasionally during the pounding process as the paste tends to dry up and stick to the mortar.

Pound the mixture into a fine paste.

Ngapi htaung is ready :)
Again this is used as a relish to go with other dishes.

Leave some ngapi in the mortar for my last recipe.
Recipe No.3 : Ngapi htamin htaung (pounded rice shrimp paste)

Now add in the rice. I kept this yesterday leftover rice in the fridge.
For me using leftover rice for this recipe is essential. The dryness in leftover rice absorbs the ngapi htaung flavour better.

Ngapi htamin htaung (pounded rice shrimp paste)
Enjoy our exotic Burmese delicacy!

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