Monday, March 21, 2011

Renegade - A Modern Palindrome

Someone e-mail this video to me and thanks so much to that someone. To me, the message of this video has given me not only some perspective but also positive energy. This is definitely the kind of positive vibes that we all needed. Sometimes, we just need to break away from negative vibes and surround ourselves with positive people. Positive people give off positive vibes while negative people give off bad vibes. Even we ourselves when feeling negative, we give off bad vibes to people around us. We do need to take note of ourselves too that whether we are giving off more negative vibes than positive vibes to others. Ok....enough of VIBES. Hope, you too can get some perspective and inspiration from this video.

By the way, Moulmein Kitchen will be going through makeover soon. I'll be posting not only recipes but posts on other topics as well. I want to make it less defined. Have a great day and thanks for dropping by.

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